Here, nature is immense, space is infinite, silence is deep and regenerating. Pilgrim of Saint Jacques, know how to enjoy it along the paths of the Landes!
The coast
The dune cord was formed gradually over millennia and in this way trapped the water of the marshes, in the form of a string of lakes along the 10 km of coast: Cazaux-Sanguinet, Biscarosse-Parentis for the biggest but also Aureilhan, Léon, Souston …
Beyond the dune, the ocean on one side with its beaches as far as the eye can see and its dangerous « baïnes », the pine forest on the other side.
The north interior
It is the High Land, formerly a country of unhealthy marshes but also of rich airials where life could be autonomous thanks to the sheep; now replaced by the well-known industrial forest, wrecked by the storms ,Klauss in 1999 and Xinthia in 2009, it is interspersed with large areas of productivist agriculture of corn and carrots. A green vegetation, the valley of the Leyre also called gallery forest, is an environment of an incredibly rich biodiversity and fortunately protected by the Regional Natural Park .
The south interior
Here no plains anymore but valleys, no more pine trees but broadleaved trees, no more monoculture of maize as far as the eye can se, but vineyards, and geese, ducks and cattle breeding :we approach, to the east ,of the Armagnac and to the west ,of the Bayonne country.